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Useful Information about Dubrovnik

Internet Access in Dubrovnik

internet_accessInternet Access in Dubrovnik is enabled in the cybercafes, restaurants and hotels. For the vast majority will have to pay, but it is possible to find and free internet access in Dubrovnik, if a little sure. Read more about Internet access in Dubrovnik.


Parking in Dubrovnik

Parking_DubrovnikImportant things you need to know if you are traveling by car to Dubrovnik, or you are renting a car: the crowds will possibly create problems with parking due to the limited number of parking spaces as close to the old town and in other parts of the city, so we suggest you check with the owner of your accommodation if you have secured parking space, especially if you will be located near the old town. Read more about parking in Dubrovnik


Gas Stations in Dubrovnik

gas_stations_dubrovnikIn Dubrovnik are two gas stations that operate 24 hours a day. One is located in the new part of town, in Gruž, and the other is located on the outskirts of Dubrovnik, in Komolac, a place where the marina Dubrovnik is. More information are available on the website www.ina.hr

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