Internet Access in Dubrovnik is enabled in the cybercafe's, restaurants and hotels. For the vast majority will have to pay, but it is possible to find and free internet access in Dubrovnik, if a little sure.
The easiest way to access the Internet in Croatia in cybercafes. In Dubrovnik are numerous, and in smaller cities and islands you have at least one. Most of them have wireless internet access; prices are usually about 15 Kuna per hour. At most places you have the option of printing, downloading photos from your digital camera and burning them to CD.HotelsAll five star hotel and the majority of four and three stars in Croatia have internet access, which is intended for guests whether in rooms or internet corner. Most of the hotels offer the possibility of using the Internet, and also for those guests who are not accommodate in the hotel. Some hotels offer their guests free Internet access. And if it is paid, the prices are similar to those in cybercafes. If you have you lap top with you, you also have possibility of using internet. For more information, ask the on the hotel reception.

Wireless accessWireless access in Dubrovnik is still not possible, except in some restaurants and hotels. But if you need it, do not worry, you have a choice. The city has a large number of internet cafes. The price is for 10 -15 KN per hour. |