The proposal specialist travelers are packing slowly and gradually. If you use public transport on holiday in Croatia, organized packing is necessary. There is nothing worse than the withdrawal of heavy luggage on ferries, trains and buses. If you travel by car, you have a little more freedom, but still need to be calibrated in packing. The more stuff you bring, you will have more work in packing the return from trip, and there is a greater possibility that something will remain.
First what you need to take into account is the suitcase, which should be large enough to fit all, but not too big to be a major commitment on the journey. We cannot say that the real case can brighten the holidays, but a poor selection of luggage; it can definitely make it worse.

List of essential items for the holiday
Adapter plug - in Croatia is used with two circular contacts. See more on electricity in Croatia.
Alarm clock - it is possible to order wakeup call in every hotel, but not in private accommodation. To be more confident that you will wake up on time, and will not be late for a trip we suggest that you take with you an alarm clock.
Hair dryer - most hotels have a wall mounted hair dryer, and private accommodation generally does not. Therefore, we recommend that you take hair dryer with you.
Raincoat - you'll benefit in the event of sudden summer rains, and can be used for other purposes, such as for example a pillow.
Carrying the medicine is an essential part of your luggage for a vacation, where you put the pills, painkillers, sprays against insect bites, cream to relieve bites or burns, bandages and plasters.

Useful little things - and leave space for the little things that are not necessary, but will make your stay a pleasant one. They include: camera, charger for cell phone, iPod, a book you are planning to read for a long time, but could not find time, the bag around your waist where you can put small things, which you will always carry with you, and we certainly suggest you to find a space for a small set sewing, which can save you from embarrassment.
Cat shall is a place where you will pack all the important stuff like documents that are needed during the trip, personal wallet, ID card, cash and credit cards. Separate all the stuff from your wallet and documents that you will not need on vacation. Do not forget to bring sunglasses, small umbrella, refreshing wipes, pencil and paper, tissues, a bottle of water...