Calling to Croatia
The telephone code for Croatia is 385. So when you call to Croatia, first choose the number of your international operator and then choose the 385. Then call the regional code (e.g. 01 for Zagreb, 020 for Dubrovnik and Korčula, 021 for Split), but eliminate the zero if calling from abroad. Then continue with a number which is usually six or seven digits. Use zero if you call in Croatia, from one region to another.
Calling from Croatian
The most expensive way to call abroad from Croatian is to use the hotel phone.
The practical solution is to use a public phone. All public phone booths use a local phone card. You can buy a phone card at any post office, kiosks, and many stores. Phone cards come in denominations of 15 KN, 30 KN, 50 KN and 100 KN, and can be used for all domestic and international calls.
Here are the rates for local and international calls using a phone card:
Local calls 0.80 KN/min.
Neighboring countries (including Austria and Italy) 3 KN/ min.
Europe (including UK) 3.50 KN/minute
Australia and the United States 5 KN/minute
Middle East, Africa, etc. 10 KN/ minute

Another option for calling for Croatia is visit to the nearest post office. Most post offices have phone booths that you can use without using the card. Tell the clerk at the counter you want to call, and they will refer you to a telephone booth and open the line. You will pay after you finish the call
Some phone booths capable of handling the call by credit card (Amex, Visa, MasterCard), but calls are expensive in this way. |