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Shopping in Croatia

Shopping_CroatiaShopping in Croatia is not on the tourist's side. Croatia does not belong to one of the major shopping destinations. If you go to buy unique Croatian souvenirs, or explore Croatian stores, you will be richer for the experience of the habits and lifestyle of local residents.

Where to buy?


KonzumCroatia has a large number of supermarket chains, which are abundant throughout the Croatian. One of the biggest is Konzum. In supermarkets you will find everything, from wine and spirits, food, toiletries... Payments can be made in Kunas and with credit cards. Most of the staff knows at least the basics of English.

Open-air markets

TržnicaOpen-air markets are in all major cities and many smaller places. Most of them focused on the sale of food, with an emphasis on products from local farmers, who sell cheese, wine, brandy and vegetables. Packages are usually simple and possibly not so attractive, but the quality is excellent. In larger markets, you can find cheap clothes, shoes, sunglasses, and small household accessory.

News Stand

KioskStands that sell newspapers, cigarettes, pens, sunglasses, sweets, lighters, toys, phone cards, batteries, soft drinks, local bus tickets, postcards, books and various other items you can usually find on the bus, ferry and railway stations. Most of them work during the day from 7:00 to 20:00 except on Sundays when most are closed all day, while only some work in the morning on Sundays.

Working Hour of Shops in Croatia

Radno vrijemeWorking time, it tries to align with traditional Catholic values. Under pressure from the Catholic Church, the Croatian Parliament bans working of shops on Sundays, except during the tourist season. This rule was entered 1 January 2009.

Here are some facts that are good to know:

* Shops and supermarkets are open from 8:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday. However, some smaller shops are working, multiple, and are closed from 12:00 to 16:00 hours.
* Shops at gas stations, railway and bus stations and hospitals have permission to work on Sundays, as well as bakeries, florists and the press stands.
* In the summer trade along the coast, stores are open from 8:00 and can stay open until midnight, seven days a week

Banks and post offices are open from 7:00 to 19:00. Government offices work from 8:30 to 17:00, Monday through Friday. Post offices in tourist resorts are open on Sundays during the season, when they remain open until 22:00 hours on weekdays.
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